ECZ Pleased with Uptick in Voter Registration

After a slow start to the electoral commission’s continuous registration process, there has been an increase in participation in Chinsali and Muchinga provinces.

Under the country’s electoral system, Zambians must be pre-registered ahead of an election in order to obtain their voter card and be eligible to participate in the democratic process. In order to boost democratic participation the ECZ is carrying out a four-month Continuous Registration of Voters (CRV).

From June 1st, the onset of the CRV, to August 31st the cumulative total for Chinsali stands at 186 newly registered voters – 112 men and 72 women. Similar CRV processes are being held across ten major provincial towns.

ECZ Corporate Affairs Manager, Patricia Luhanda, explained; “The reason for us as a commission to introduce the continuous voter registration is to provide and convince those that are turning 18 years and above and those that did not have an opportunity to register as a voter to do so now before the nation goes into an election period,” she said. 

Luhanda perceives voter education to be at the centre of the commission’s operations. As of 2016, voter education is a core part of the ECZ’s mandate to ensure citizens can meaningfully participate in the electoral process. At each centre the ECZ has placed a voter education officer to help with voter sensitisation.

She has also called on the media to encourage people to register and to further educate the Zambian populous on democratic matters. Increasing the level of voter awareness is a critical element to this year’s CRV.

Toana Munyenyembe of Choshi area, who recently got her voters card for the first time, has described the process as quick and comfortable. Ms. Munyenyembe said there is less congestion at the centre and has since urged all eligible persons to ensure that they register as voters so that they can participate in any election. “I am happy that I have registered as a voter and process is fast,” she said.

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